The ASVAB will be given on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, beginning at 8:30 A.M. If you are considering a military career, you will need to complete the ARMED SERVICES VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY (simply known as the ASVAB).
However, even if you are not considering the military, ASVAB scores can provide a snapshot of your current knowledge and skills, and the information can help you develop and review your career goals and plans.
Sign up with the counselor. There is no fee for this assessment. The ASVAB takes approximately three hours to complete.
The ASVAB is a nationally-normed, multi-aptitude test battery that has been provided to high schools and post-secondary schools since 1968.
The ASVAB was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program was developed with input from a panel of career development experts and designed to encourage students to increase their level of self-knowledge and to understand how that information could be linked to civilian and military occupational characteristics.
The ASVAB Program recently was re-designed to be helpful to virtually all students, whether they are planning on immediate employment after high school in civilian or military occupations, or further education at a university, community college, or vocational institution.